Tracing API With Context Description

In this page we will describe the different API methods and how they interact with each other in situations where passing context explicitly is necessary.

When to use this API

This API allows you to explicitly pass the tracing context between methods in the form of a TraceContext object. Use this API if you:

  • Trace operations across multiple threads and don't have an application level eventID assigned to each request.
  • Trace operations that are processed by multiple threads at the same time.
  • Trace operations across process boundaries.

How it differs from the base Tracing API

This API exposes the same functionality as Tracing API with slight differences:

  • The addToTrace methods receive a TraceContext that represents the context that will be the parent of this Span.


Starting a Trace

Let's say you have a method called onMessage(Message msg) in which you start processing a new request. In this situation, since there is no parent, you do not have to propagate context.

Example 1 - Starting a Trace.

 void onMessage(Message msg) {
    Tracing.newTrace(() -> processMessage(msg), "Process Request");    

In the examples, the methods have no return values, but the API provides overloads for tracing functions that return any type of value.

Continuing a trace

Continuing a trace is a bit trickier than starting it, since it requires accessing the current trace context in order to add the new Span as a child.

Example 1 - Parent and child Spans in the different thread pass context explicitly

This case requires you to explicitly pass the TraceContext to the new span.

 void processMessage(Message msg) {
    TraceContext context = Tracing.getTraceContext();
    threadPool.submit(() -> Tracing.addToTrace(() -> processFirstPart(msg), "Process Request", context));     

Here the library will grab the current thread's tracing context and store it in a TraceContext object that you can pass when tracing the next part of the execution. Note that obtaining the current context must be done before switching context, i.e., you cannot do it inside the lambda.

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